Sunday 9th September 2018 at Mini Thunder.
This is a Come and Try event and is event is open to everyone, members and non-members of the VMCi. If you, or anybody you know, would like to experience the thrill and challenge of a Motorkhana, this is your opportunity.
If you are 12 years of age or older and have an interest, you are welcome. We only ask that you respect other people's property and obey the rules and regulations set out by CAMS and the general intent of what is being offered.
Even if you have not competed for years and would like to share in some fun, come along and get involved.
If you are an existing CAMS Licence holder Entry fee will be $10, the only other expense will be $5.00 for the BBQ payable with your entry.
For non CAMS Licence holders,Entry fee will be $10 plus a CAMS FEE of $25.00 for a one day Licence, plus $5.00 for the BBQ payable with your entry.
For all non-competitors who would like something to eat and drink, $5:00.
All other costs will be borne by the Club.
If you have your own car and want to have some fun, you will require the following:
A generally road worthy car
Road tyres. No off road or mud and snow tyres will be permitted.
Michael Holloway
VMCI President
Mobile: 0413 423 160

Mini Thunder:
Enter off Parwan Sth Road and follow the red line. There will be VMCI signs showing the way.