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Every club needs a Committee to run it. The VMCI is no exception to this rule, so perhaps it's a good idea to introduce the Committee so members will recognise them at meetings (and perhaps know who to blame?)


If you'd like to get in touch with any of them, just click on their picture to send them an email. We're always looking for volunteers to get involved! If you're interested in volunteering as a committee member, contact the Club President to discuss how you can lend a hand!


Committee 1
Committee 2
Committee 3
Leanne Coakley

Leanne Coakley

Krystian Jackson
Membership Secretary

Krystian Jackson

Jeremy Coakley
Club Permits - New

Jeremy Coakley

Leanne Coakley
Merchandise & Apparel

Leanne Coakley

Alan Ryan
Vice President

Alan Ryan

Sam Nardella
Social & Tours

Sam Nardella

Krystian Jackson
Club Permits - Renewals

Krystian Jackson

Karl Apted
General Committee

Karl Apted

Ray Potts

Ray Potts

Alan Ryan
Competition Secretary

Alan Ryan

Nicole Pearce
MiniMag Editor

Nicole Pearce

Mathew Webb
General Committee

Mathew Webb

Krystian Jackson

Krystian Jackson

Daniel Borg
Club Permits - New

Daniel Borg

Nicole Pearce
Calendar & Facebook

Nicole Pearce

Warrick Attwood
General Committee

Warrick Attwood

These are the people who manage other areas of the VMCi that you may need to get in touch with for one reason or another.

Competition Pointscore
Competition Pointscore

Gary Birt (LM)

Tour Notes Developer
Tour Notes Developer

David McAdam

Restoration Garage
Restoration Garage

Michael Holloway


Steph Jackson

Shows & Displays
Shows & Displays

Position Vacant

AOMC Representative
AOMC Representative

Sam Nardella

Officials Coordinator
Officials Coordinator

Position Rotating by Event

Motorsport Aus. Delegate
Motorsport Aus. Delegate

Peter Bready & Krystian Jackson

Minishow Coordinator
Minishow Coordinator

Position Vacant

Off Comm 1
Off Comm 2
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